Saturday, March 1, 2014

Case Studies: The Case of Little Albert Answers

Part 1

1. UCS: noise
    CS: rat
    UCR: fear
    CR: fear

2. generalization: rats and all white flurry objects
3. discrimination: furry white rats
4. counter conditioning: n/a (not available)

Part 2
1. Every time Dave takes a shower, someone in the house flushes the toilet causing the shower water to turn freezing cold on poor Dave. Now every time he hears a toilet flush, he gets chills.

UCS: cold water                       CS: hearing a toilet flush
UCR: Dave gets chills           CR: chills
NS: flushing toilet

Identifying Independent and Dependent Variables, and Study Designs Answers (Experimentation Packet Answers)

Part 1

1. A researcher hypothesizes that blondes really do have more fun. To test this hypothesis, she interviews a natural brunette who has recently become a blonde to determine if there is any change in the amount of fun she has. 

Independent variable: hair color
Dependent variable: the amount of fun
Type of study: case study; because one person is being interviewed.
2. A developmental psychologist is testing the hypothesis that children in first grade know more words in the English language than children in Kindergarten. To test this, she sits in on two classes (one first grade, the other Kindergarten) and counts the average number of words children in each class speak. She then compares the counts.

Independent variable: Age (first grade or Kindergarten)

Dependent variable: Number of words known
Type of study: Naturalistic observation. She is sitting in on classrooms and observing what the kids are doing without their knowledge.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Chapter 1: Public Speaking and You Quiz (Answers)

True-False Questions: Circle T or F.

F  1. Stage fright affects only inexperienced speakers.
F  2. Most speeches given in the United States are given by politicians or heads of corporations.
T  F  3. Learning how to listen to speeches is as important as learning how to give them.
T  F  4. Most good speakers develop their skills; they aren't born with them.
T  F  5. Communication is an important part of every job.
F  6. Speeches have had little effect on the course of history.
T  F  7. Freedom of speech is guaranteed in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
F  8. There are no risks involved in public speaking.
T  F  9. Some degree of nervousness before a speech actually can help a speaker give an effective speech.
F  10. Only college graduates can expect to have to give speeches. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Types of Chemical Reactions: A Voyage Through Equations ANSWERS

Section 1: Identify the type of reaction
1) Na3PO4 + 3 KOH --> 3 NaOH + K3PO4 Double Displacement
2) MgCl2 + Li2CO3 --> MgCO3 + 2 LiCl Double Displacement
3) C6H12 + 9 O2 --> 6 CO2 + 6 H2O Combustion
4) Pb + FeSO4 --> PbSO4 + Fe Single Displacement
5) CaCO3 --> CaO + CO2 Decomposition
6) P4 + 3 O 2 --> 2 P2O3 Synthesis
7) 2 RbNO3 + BeF2 --> Be(NO3)2 + 2 RbF Double Displacement 
8) 2 AgNO3 + Cu --> Cu(NO3)2 + 2 Ag Single Displacement
9) C3H6O + 4 O2 --> 3 CO2 + 3 H2O Combustion
10) 2 C5H5 + Fe --> Fe(C5H5)2 Synthesis
11) SeCl6 + O2 --> SeO2 + 3Cl2 Single Displacement
12) 2 MgI2 + Mn(SO3)2 --> 2 MgSO3 + MnI4 Double Displacement
13) O3 --> O + O2 Decomposition
14) 2 NO2 --> 2 O2 + N2 Decomposition

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Chapter 7.3 - Cell Transport

Passive Transport
C 1. Which of the following must be true for diffusion to occur?
                A. Molecules or particles must have different sizes
                B. Special protein channels must always be available
                C. There must be areas of different concentrations
                D. Energy must be available

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Chapter 7.1 - Life Is Cellular

The Discovery of the Cell

1. The invention of the microscope made the discovery of the cells possible. 
2. Robert Hooke used the name cells to refer to the tiny empty chambers he saw when he observed magnified cork.
3. German botanist Matthias Schleiden concluded that all plants are made of cells. 
4. German biologist Theodor Schwann concluded that all animals are made of cells.
5. Rudolph Virchow concluded that new cells are produced from the division of existing cells.
6. The cell theory combines the conclusions made of Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Niche Worksheet

1. What is a niche?
Describes what an organism does and how it interacts with the biotic and abiotic factors of its environment. The range of physical and biological conditions in which a species lives and the way the species obtains what it needs to survive and reproduce. 

2. Give an example of resources a squirrel might need.
A squirrel might need acorns for food, space (trees which they live in and climb) and soil to bury acorns during the winter.

3. Three different warbler species live in the same tree. One species feeds at the top of the tree, the second species feeds in the middle part of the tree, and the third species feeds at the bottom of the tree. Do all three species occupy the same niche? Explain.
No, each species occupies a different niche within the same tree. They each eat different things in the same place. If they were to stay at the exact same time then problems would emerge and result in one organism to over power the other.